Aug 9, 2017

Luke....Love Your Enemies

I've been looking through my old journals a lot lately.  I enjoy seeing what I thought was important at the time, big obstacles that challenged me or truly outrageous funny moments.  It gives me a gentle reminder of the past, helps me understand the present more and gives me guidance while looking forward into the future.

I was reading in Luke 6:27-36  It's easy to Love and be Kind to those you already care about.  Your reward will be great to those who, Love their enemies, do good....hoping for nothing in return. 

I have had my share of Enemies, I have had to Forgive and move Forward.  Some of my biggest hurts in life were not over earth shattering issues.  Sometimes the smallest issue can have the biggest impact on our lives.  And that also goes for acts of Kindness and Mercy.  Every day we are Blessed to go out and spread God's Grace, the Grace He showered down on us even when we didn't deserve it.  If you find it hard to Forgive and move Forward bring it to God, let Him lighten your heart so that you can spread God's unconditional love throughout your day......

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