Jan 31, 2019

The Power of Positive Words

I didn't always have the kindest things to say about myself in the past.  It's still something I work on daily.  I had always heard about affirmations, but thought it was a little wonky, kind of made me uncomfortable to even start.  But, one day about 6 years ago or so I was in a place that I was so negative with my words in my head.  I became aware of what I would quickly tell myself in new situations or when I didn't get something done correctly or fast enough.  It was then that I thought hey, I can be a little wonky now and then.  :)  So, I started just writing out some positive words and that turned into be saying them quietly to myself and then finally out-loud.  Here are a few I used....
I deserve to be happy and successful
I have the power to change myself
I can forgive myself
I can make my own choices and decisions
I am free to choose to live as I wish and to give priority to my desires
I can choose happiness whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances
I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life
I act with confidence
It is enough to have done my best
I deserve to be loved

When you begin doing this, it may feel weird in the beginning, just remember you need to use affirmations daily to make the changes you need and want in your life.  By doing this your focus on the negative will change to seeing a more positive outlook on your life.  This takes time to cultivate, but so worth it in the end.  So, be gentle with yourself... don’t give up on this if it doesn’t seem to help immediately.
I suggest you repeat affirmations at least twice a day during the morning and at night....let me know how you are doing with this new daily ritual.  :)

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